Door Systems building with staff

Welcome to Door Systems®

Door Systems is the leader in fire protective smoke curtain and integrated fire doors technology. We are dedicated to providing innovative solutions to your existing building needs as well as assist in specifying and designing your future projects.

Whether you are an architect seeking consultation on a new construction project or a building owner/engineer looking to bring your existing building up to code while reducing maintenance cost, the Door Systems staff is here to assist you.

UL10D Smoke and Fire Curtain Products

The gravity fail-safe DSI Smoke and Fire Protective Curtains have market leading features and the highest technical specifications available, yet offer cost-effective and flexible solutions to fire and smoke control.

Elevator smoke curtain half deployed

DSI 600 Elevator Smoke Containment System®

A cost effective and architecturally pleasing solution to elevator shaft smoke protection. Meets all code requirements.

DSI-C3HR Fire protective Smoke Curtains

DSI-C3HR Fire Protective Smoke Curtain

DSI-C3HR Fire protective Smoke Curtains are totally gravity fail safe and incorporate the latest in electronic technology.

DSI-A4HR ACCORDION Fire Curtain Accordion Staircase

DSI-A4HR Accordion Fire Curtain

Creates a four-hour opening protective fire barrier for a variety of applications without the need for columns or corner post.

UL10B Hose Stream Rated Curtain Products

Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtains incorporate the cutting-edge technology of our UL 10D curtain products but with the advantage of being code compliant in any fire wall rated up to 3 hours.

DSI-HS10B hose stream curtain

DSI-HS10B Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtain

With a UL10B 3-hour fire rating, the DSI-HS10B Fire Curtain can be used in fire walls and fire barrier walls as a replacement solution to traditional Coiling Steel Fire doors.


DSI-HHS10B Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Curtain

The DSI-HHS10B Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Curtain allows architects to compartmentalize large floor openings reducing mechanical smoke evacuation systems.

DSI-FW119 Deployable Fabric Fire Wall

DSI-FW119 Deployable Fabric Fire Wall

The DSI Deployable Fire Wall incorporates the cutting-edge technology of our Hose Stream Rated Smoke and Fire Curtain but with the advantage of being tested as a 2-hour fire rated wall assembly.

Integrated Door Systems Products

The locally manufactured Syntégra™ Integrated Door System is created to include all working hardware and the door into a single integrated package.

Syntégra™ Integrated Door System Doors

SYNTÉGRA ™ Integrated Door

Fewer moving parts, lower maintenance costs, unparalleled reliability and longer life. The Syntégra™ Door offers a better way.

SYNTÉGRA Elevator Shaft Doors

SYNTÉGRA ™ Elevator Shaft Doors

The Syntégra™ elevator smoke door assembly is the most cost effective way to meet code requirements for elevator shaft protection.

SYNTÉGRA Elevator Lobby Doors

SYNTÉGRA ™ Elevator Lobby Doors

Elevator Lobby Doors are available in a variety of configurations; double egress or standard swing pair, pocketed 90 or 180 degrees.

Won-Door Accordion Fire Doors Products

FireGuard’s design is approved by the US model building codes and the IBC for almost unrestricted use in egress applications. Additionally, FireGuard doors are UL-listed for up to 3 hours as a fire door. These doors are also recognized by many state and local governments.

Won-Door FireGuard AFG sliding fire door

Won-Door FireGuard AFG Door

When security is paramount, Won-Door’s Fireguard AFG accordion doors can rapidly restrict access and visibility to corridors and building areas up to 40 feet wide and 15 feet tall.

Won-Door Fireguard FG Door

Won-Door FireGuard FG Door

The Won-Door FireGuard FG accordion-type, horizontal sliding fire and security door, with heights up to 30 feet, replace traditional solutions in virtually any egress or access control application.

Won-Door FireGuard's Moveable Fire Wall

Won-Door Moveable Fire Wall

The Won-Door FireGuard’s Moveable Fire Wall offers a distinct fire-resistive rating that can be used as an alternative to traditional fire barriers when building codes limit the size of penetrations.

DSI offers Service and Maintenance

  • Maintain the warranty on 
DSI Fire/Smoke Curtains
  • Won-Door Service & Maintenance
Certified Won-Door Distributor
  • Service and maintain all other
types/brands of smoke and fire curtains
  • Service all brands of Integrated 
Fire Door Assemblies: Syntegra, Total Door, Rite Door
  • Inspection test form and inspection label with date tested
  • Certified IFDIA fire door
inspection reports
  • Service and maintain other types
of fire rated life safety opening protectives
  • Automatic doors including access controls and motor operators AADM Certified
  • Annual drop test/inspection of all fire doors to keep entire facility up to code
  • Service and retrofit all swinging fire doors

Architecture Design Assistance

Here at Door Systems®, we take great pride in providing the architectural industry with top notch design services as well as a product that is unmatched in design, function, and durability. We offer all our clients to come by and tour our Placentia, CA showroom and see various Door & DSI Fire protective Smoke Curtain® configurations and applications in action.

DSI offers AIA Continuing Education Courses

Door Systems strives to produce quality courses that help your team grow in the field of Fire Rated Smoke Containment Systems.

As the leading AIA Continued Educational provider in our field, we can serve you in person, On-Line with Video Meetings, or Virtually Online 24/7.

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DSI News & Events

DSI-HHS10B Hose Stream Fire Shutter

DSI-HHS10B Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Shutter

The DSI Hose Stream Rated Horizontal Fire Shutter, a horizontal fabric fire shutter, allows architects to compartmentalize large floor openings and reduce or eliminate mechanical smoke evacuation systems. A solution to design challenges of preventing…
Architects Elevate Building Safety with Smoke Curtains

Architects: Elevate Your Building’s Safety with Smoke Curtains

As an architect, you know the critical importance of fire safety in your building designs. That's why I wanted to share an innovative solution that can help meet code requirements while elevating the aesthetics of your elevator shafts - Elevator…
Door Systems staff supporting HomeAid

Door Systems Partners with HomeAid Orange County to Stock the Pantry

At Door Systems, we believe in building stronger communities through our products and services and actively supporting initiatives that make a tangible difference. For this past holiday season, we were proud to sponsor HomeAid Orange County's…

Ready to See Door Systems in action?

Call us today at 866-534-3667 to schedule a FREE demonstration!

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