Atrium Smoke Control Solution

Atrium Smoke Control Solution

A horizontal fire protective curtain may eliminate the need for costly additional structural support, sprinklers, and complex smoke evacuation systems saving the building owner a great deal of money. Keep in mind that the building code allows for two stories to be interconnected without smoke control. If the atrium design and space is appropriate then it is possible to divide a taller than two story atrium into a series of two story connections.

An architect on a project for Sargento Foods Corporate Headquarters, estimates that he saved his client between $750,000 to $800,000 by using a horizontal smoke curtain instead of a smoke purge system on the building’s three story atrium.

If you are looking for a solution to meet the building code requirements for smoke control for an atrium and haven’t explored the use of smoke curtains, you should. They have the potential to save a lot of cost and complexity.

See more information on our horizontal fire protective curtain.